Software Training
Following its legacy as a path breaker Cyberrama is offering Online Software Training using its vast Technology Expertise and Training Delivery Methodology for the benefit of the student community in transforming their dreams from a wandering generality to specific reality. Our sole maxim in introducing Online Software Training sessions to cater the training requirements of the Software Aspirants.
In this modern day, need for information & knowledge transcends physical boundaries & cultural barriers. Cyberrama offers training in a format that allows trainees to experience familiar interaction of Class-room training by not being available in the same room. Virtual Class rooms where Trainer & Trainees assemble & interact in pursuit of knowledge & information.
At an agreed time & date the trainer & the trainees get connected to web based Meeting Center. Through this meeting center, the trainer can share his presentations, present demo's on the tools, share his desktop in allowing the participants to have a feel of the tools while simultaneously engaged in explanation of the concepts. Trainer's voice & video can be clearly felt by the trainees. Trainees may raise their doubts, any point of time, and the trainer may respond by suitably clarifying them.
This technology is tested and proven over a period of time & finds acceptance with thousands of organizations across the world & millions of people benefitting from it.